City News

Children with disabilities can have fun too! Dingzhuwei Park is newly opened!
Publish Date:108-11-18
Units:Department of General Affairs   Category:News
“The Bounce Back of Parks” project will change Dingzhuwei significantly. With inclusive facilities, children, people with disabilities, and senior citizens have no problems in relaxing! In order to improve the facilities of the Dingzhuwei Park and the neighboring Chulien living environment, the Hsinchu City Government announced on October 23 that the improvement works for the Dingzhuwei project were complete. With safety and inclusiveness as indicators, fitness training area, barrier-free carousel, nest swing, and gravel pit excavator are arranged. Children from the nearby Hsinchu Children's Day Care Center were there to experience the new park. Mayor Lin Chih-chien assisted children with disabilities in riding the carousel, and everyone had a good time!

Mayor Lin said that after taking office, more than NT$ 440 million were invested to promote the "Bounce Back of Parks" project. It is estimated that 22 parks will be revitalized. Till now, 16 parks have been completed. Among them, Dingzhuwei Park has been opened for 10 years since 2009.There were many problems related to public facilities in Dingzhuwei Park, such as illegal parking, uneven roads and aged playground equipment. In order to renovate the park and connect to the living circle around Chulien Temple, the Hsinchu City Government invested NT$10.3 million to set up barrier-free sidewalks and the Community Square. The government has carpeted the area with turf and pruned the trees so the park can be bathed in the sunshine. In addition, the "inclusive playground equipment" broke through the canned plastic playground equipment in traditional parks, allowing both adults and children to play together and train their physical fitness.
Last year, the city government invested in the renovation plan of Dingzhuwei Park, adding 77 parking spaces for scooters so that citizens can walk on sidewalks again.
Moreover, the city government has established physical fitness facilities. Many elders enjoy exercising on cross trainers there. The most special things are three major new inclusive playground equipment: the nest swing, the barrier-free carousel, the gravel pit excavator, hoping that adults, children, elders and people with disabilities can enjoy life there.

Moreover, close lightly pebbles and seamless elastic mats are used in building the pavement in the park to improve the uneven roads, making it convenient for baby stroller or wheelchair users to move around. There are various leisure facilities and tree areas around the park for people to take a rest there. By providing a versatile public open space, the government hopes to encourage community ownership.


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