City News

Hsinchu City Green Grass Lake Kayak Exploring Course; a Unique School Trip for Taipei City Zhiqing Elementary School
Publish Date:107-05-23
Units:Department of General Affairs   Category:Education
Under the encouragement of Hsinchu City Government, Green Grass Lake Elementary School (GGLES) has combined community feature with education and developed their well-known course - Kayak Exploring Course. 36 grade 5 students from Taipei Municipal Ziqing Elemetary School (ZES) were led by their school president Li Xuefong to begin their unique school trip. Hsinchu City Mayor Lin Chih-chien stated many Hsinchu City schools have developed their featured courses; he is glad to see GGLES and ZES to collaborate together to organize GGL inter-school field trip, and he also welcomes schools from different cities and counties to have their field trips in Hsinchu City.
President of GGLES Xu Qinggong stated the field trip schedule contains "Biking around Green Grass Lake," "Kayaking," "Creative Cookout," and "True Love Ocean˙Knitting Coral." During the field trip, ZES students played field games and explored GGL's scenery and eco-culture on bike and kayak, then they harvested red quinoa, tomato, cucumber, and other crops to cook their own lunches. Finally, GGLES students were paired with ZES students and taught ZES students how to make the "knit coraled jelly fish necklace," a symbol of caring for the ocean, and the coral necklace is also the most unique gift that GGLES students offered to their fellow students.
Hsinchu City Government Department of Education (HCCGDE) stated Hsinchu City elementary schools have been actively developing their own featured courses. For instance, Nei Hu Junior High School has camellia course and Nan Ai Elementary School has a featured rice course. HCCGDE hoped schools can offer their students different learning experiences instead of the inflexible class rooms.
Translated by: James


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