City emblem
The city emblem comprises heaven, earth, and man as the central elements in the design. The three bamboo leaves signify the city government’s determination to continuous progress without retreat. The three bamboo nodes, thick and circular refers to the power of unity and the fruits of public merit. The outer ring stands for heaven and earth, vast space.
The character in the center represents zhu for ‘bamboo’, which carries connotations of gentleness, and indeed the character’s rendering resembles a smiling face.
City flower: Azalea
The azalea, of ancient origin, is a shrub in the genus Rhododendron and can be found throughout the northern hemisphere, in Asia mainly in China, and to a much lesser extent in Europe and North America. Taiwan is home to about three dozen varieties of azalea. Spring is the time when the azalea displays its magnificent and vibrant colors. Thus the azalea has come to symbolize spring. In Taiwan, the azalea is widespread and their brilliant blossom can be seen on traffic islands, along roads, and as high as 3000 meters in the mountains.
The sturdy azalea absorbs sound and air pollution. The azalea is also the national flower of the Himalayan nation of Nepal.
City tree: Black Pine
This evergreen tree with dark grey bark may grow as tall as 30 meters. Native to Japan and South-Korea, pines were imported and widely cultivated in Taiwan. The Japanese pine enjoys fame as a landscape tree. It is resistant to drought, salt water, and sea winds, which makes it a great coastal wind breaker. Pines are also kept as potted shrubs. The sun-loving pine is a slow grower that is tolerant to heat, cold, and drought. It blossoms in spring.
City bird: Magpie
The magpie can be found throughout Taiwan’s western plains and at lower elevations in mountain areas. Magpies prefer farmland and suburbs, and can often be seen foraging in pairs and groups. They build their nests in pine trees, bamboo bushes, swamp oaks, and even high-voltage electricity towers. Nests can be as large as 60-100 cm in diameter. Magpies tend to fly in undulating wave patterns.
In Taiwan, magpies are regarded as auspicious harbingers of good luck.