City News

Mayor Kao joins hands with Ronald McDonald to promote correct handwashing steps
Publish Date:113-04-09
Units:Department of General Affairs   Category:News
As the season transitions into spring, the peak season for enterovirus is approaching. To help children better understand how to prevent enterovirus and protect their health, the Hsinchu City Public Health Bureau has collaborated with the Ronald McDonald House Charities to conduct a campus outreach campaign. Mayor Kao Hung-An, together with Ronald McDonald, served as handwashing ambassadors, using lively songs, singing, and interactive quizzes to promote the proper handwashing steps and timing to children, bidding farewell to enterovirus.
Mayor Kao stated that every year from April, the enterovirus season begins. The best way to prevent enterovirus is through frequent handwashing. She hopes that through this campaign, children can understand the correct handwashing knowledge and develop good habits. By applying the five steps of handwashing—“wet, rub, rinse, clean, wipe”—and the five key times—“before eating, before playing with babies, after using the toilet, after wiping nose, and before and after seeing a doctor”—not only at school but also at home, they can share this knowledge with their families. From schools to families, they can implement hygiene education through action, safeguarding the health of teachers, students, and their families.
Director Chen Hou-Chuan of the Public Health Bureau added that if young children at home show signs of suspected enterovirus infection with severe complications, they should be taken to the hospital immediately. If there are any questions related to enterovirus, please visit the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control’s website ( or call the Hsinchu City Public Health Bureau’s epidemic prevention hotline at 03-5355130 for epidemic reporting or the consultation hotline at 1922 for inquiries.


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