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City News

Qiu Aizhen Watercolor Oil Painting Exhibition Begins in Jhusyuan Gallery and Meide Gallery
Publish Date:106-05-26
Units:Department of General Affairs   Category:Art & Culture
Hsinchu City Cultural Affairs Bureau stated, Qiu Aizhen Watercolor Oil Painting Exhibition began on May 25 in the Jhusyuan Gallery and Meide Gallery, displaying more than 40 paintings of Hakka Culture in the 1950s, the City Government welcomes the public to the exhibition. 

The Cultural Affaris Bureau stated single mother Qiu Aizhen devoted herself in art teaching for 20 years, during her downs of life, her focus on painting helped her to get back on track. Qiu excels in painting, she uses Hakka Culture as main the theme to create many heart touching modern paintings, displaying the beauty of Hakka Culture and the history of Taiwan in the 50s, also showing the images of the farming society and the hardworking spirit of the ancestors.

Qiu stated, among the artworks in the exhibition, eight paintings from the "Miaoli Series" were kept in the Executive Yuan's Hakka Affairs Council Miaoli Hakka Park as collections in 2016.

Qiu stated, no matter Hakka people or not, anyone who is interested will be able to learn the meaning and essences of Hakka Culture through the exhibition, ending on June 4, the City Government welcomes the public to participate. For more information, please call 1999 or 03-5332841.
Translated by: Kuo Ting-Hsiang


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